“Menzin pays close attention to specific birds and their cries (“Per-CHIC-o-ree!” says the goldfinch), and her spreads reproduce the birds’ defining features. Moments of inventiveness hint at a freer imagination: Mockingbird’s concert is announced with a series of collaged posters, and the telephone wires are hot pink against a blue sky. Readers who live where many species visit the bird feeder may appreciate a story that incorporates familiar feathered characters.”
– Publishers Weekly
“I love to read books to my children that are engaging, colorful, but most importantly, teaches them confidence and compassion. This book does that and much more. I am so happy that all my sons loved this story, even the older ones, and they were able to see the beauty in Little Crow, inside and out. Papa Crow is very supportive of his baby crow and is a good example for parents to see the differences in their “little crows” and celebrate them.”
– Amy Sanders,Super Reading Kids
“Song for Papa Crow is a beautiful book, with thick pages for the younger kids, interesting bird facts, and a good story…”
“Teachers, school social workers, and others who regularly work with kids will find this book immensely helpful. Parents can use the story to open a dialogue about fitting in and being true to one’s self. Kids will like the illustrations of the birds and can use the book as a guide to the birds in their neighborhood…[A book] for collectors.”
– Sue Morris, Kid Lit Reviews
“Our songs are to be shared with all, but especially the ones we hold dear. Song for Papa Crow is a children’s picture book following Little Crow as he tries to learn more songs to fit in with the other birds, but soon learns that the song most important to him and his father is his own. Song for Papa Crow is a story of being yourself, with charming and colorful illustrations throughout, making it a choice pick for parents to read along with their children.”
– James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief, Diane C. Donovan, EditorMidwest Book Review
“In this twist on Hans Christian Anderson’s Ugly Duckling, Little Crow wants to sing with the other birds but they think his “Caw Caw” is loud and coarse. They fly away when he comes to sing with them. Papa crow reassures Little Crow by saying that he knows just where to find Little Crow when he hears his sweet caw. They attend a Mockingbird show and the star gives the Little Crow a Magic Seed so he can sing like the other birds. Things go well for a while and then—well, Little Crow finds out that being a Crow and singing with his family of crows is the best thing in the world!
I loved the illustrations in this book. Each page is a collage of textured and decorated papers featuring trees and flowers as a backdrop for the birds of the story; in addition to crows there are chickadees, owls, [and] Blue Jays, and the cardinal, my personal favorite, is particularly expressive. The collages reinforce the story by giving the birds emotion. You can see the joy in Little Crow’s heart when he closes his eyes and finally gets to sing with the other birds and you can see the panic when danger calls.
Song for Papa Crow is a sweet story with a relevant message for bird lovers of all ages. Nobody loves you like your family.”
– Beth E. McKenzie, My Shelf
“The illustrations of this book are done in collage. Each bird comes to life with this technique and each one looks amazingly realistic. The story is one that is entertaining and easy to understand. It’s one that can provide lots of discussion, not only about the various birds in the story, but about being oneself. The story ends with Little Crow learning an important lesson and returning safely home with Papa Crow. Children will be fascinated to learn that hummingbirds often use the silk of a spider’s web when building a nest.”
– Cindi Rose,Examiner
“This is a great story to read to children in order to help them accept and appreciate who they are and their own uniqueness as a person. It emphasizes that we are created with a purpose into our own family and families have their own way of communicating. I wanted this book to read for Halloween, but it is so much more than just a story about crows. The collage illustrations are great, the information is interesting and educational and the story is just plain good. I recommend this as a great book to emphasize the uniqueness of individuals.”
– The Friendly Booknook blog

All content copyright 2020 MARIT MENZIN U.S. Copy Right Office
Clients: Schiffer Publishing, Carus Publishing, Pearson Learning, Sundance Publishing, Scott Foresman, Harcourt, Macmillan/McGraw-hill
My art was bought by Children’s Hospital Boston, Lexington Medical Center, Longwood Pediatric and L’Atitude Gallery.
I am a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers & Illustrators